Bloc Libre


Bloc Libre



WP leader

H. Daly-Hassen, P14


All partners involved

The WP5 aims to create collaboration between different partners about data (collection, management, sharing), models and results. The objective of this WP is to exchange and to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge (models, data) from the application of different models and tools in case studies. Case studies are already in use by the partners with a large distribution at Mediterranean scale, representativeness of different forest types, spatial scales, global change scenarios, management systems and geographic areas.

T5.1. Data standardisation and sharing

Task leader

C. Pichot, P1


To define a strategy, develop and implement methods and tools for data sharing within the consortium, as well as outside following an open-data policy: shared vocabularies, standard description files of the case studies, metadata information system.


Activities will detail what are the site-specific input parameters required by each model and tool required by different disciplines in order to check the adequacy of existing datasets or possibility of data acquisition. The use of common vocabularies from existing thematic thesauri will ensure a full and shared understanding of the identified parameters. An open data strategy will be developed between partners. A framework of agreement for data sharing will be established once the project starts to facilitate data sharing among partners within the project and to clarify the conditions and means to share data out of the consortium: the network of excellence EVOLTREE will be used as an example to start discussion. There will be a close collaboration between local correspondents in charge of supervising field work, centralizing metadata, data and information on activities conducted in the case study. A metadata information system following the EU directive INSPIRE will be made available and the local correspondents of the case studies will be trained to the use of it.


D5.1, D5.2


M5.1, M5.2, M5.3

T.5.2. Coordination of integrated case studies and Interdisciplinary integration

Task leader

H. Daly-Hassen, P15


To identify and facilitate links between different WPs to ensure interdisciplinary coordination; to identify and facilitate links between the four case studies and the other case studies (sharing experiences) to ensure extended scope of the results beyond particular situations.


A detailed description of all integrated and focused case studies will be produced. Two workshops will be organized during annual plenary meetings to ensure coordination of work within each case study and to share experience among them. A joint meeting event with WP3 and WP4 will prepare a draft of management recommendations based on the scientific results, as a basis of discussion with the SP before integration in the local management plans. One scientific publication, accompanied with data papers, will report on methods and achievements in interdisciplinary integration in the case studies.


D5.3, D5.4


M5.4, M5.5, M5.6