

The Rosaceae are a botanical family spread over around 100 genera

The crop plants section deals with the Rosaceae grown for their fruit. Here we present the Rosaceae used as ornamental herbaceous or ligneous plants and particularly Rosaceae of the genus Rosa.

Roses (Rosa)

Roses, or indeed the wild dog rose, originate from temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are ligneous, climbing plants, and thorny. The Rosa genus comprises more than 100 species capable of hybridizing. They are cultivated as ornamental plants for their flowers and constitute the largest category of cut flowers, sold by florists. They are also grown for the production of essential oils for perfumery.

Easy to grow, roses are loved to such an extent that they have taken up residence in gardens. The cultivated ones are most often cultivars especially created by breeders.

The vast diversity of roses means that classification is highly complicated: between wild forms, botanical categories, old and new; or according to their size: miniatures, or growing habit like climbing, ground-cover, or bush roses. or even by their flower size.

Anyone in their garden has surely seen that their lovely rose bush can be home to numerous colonies of aphids of different species.

In the  Aphid key folder a simplified key based on photos is provided to help you identify aphid species.

Frequent aphids

Macrosiphum rosae
Maculolachnus submacula
Metopolophium dirhodum
Myzaphis rosarum
Wahlgreniella nervata

Occasional aphids

Chaetosiphon tetrarhodum
Longicaudus trirhodus
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Rhodobium porosum
Sitobion fragariae

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 15 June 2017 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet