A. nerii

Aphis nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841

Oleander aphid

Aphis nerii, adulte ailé
Aphis nerii, adulte aptère
Aphis nerii, colonie

Morphological characters

1.5-2.6 mm.
Apterous: pale yellow to golden yellow, with cornicles straight and black, cauda short and black.
Alate: yellow with cornicles straight and black and cauda black.

See identification file

Life cycles

Apparently anholocyclic

Host plants

Especially on Asclepiadaceae: Nerium oleander (oleander) Vinca (periwinkle), also on Citrus and occasionally on other families: Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae.

Particular characteristics

Aphis nerii occurs in regions with a mediterranean, tropical or subtropical climate.

In this folder

Modification date : 24 April 2024 | Publication date : 10 July 2012 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet