Identification file

Identification file

Aphis pomi De Geer, 1773

1.3-2.3 mm

Apterous: light green with antennae, cornicles and cauda black
Frons flat or slightly sinuate
Antennae equal to half length of body
Abdomen without pigmentation and with marginal tubercles on abdominal segments II-IV
Cornicles black and straight
Cauda black, broad, digitate and ornamented with 15 or so hairs

Aphis pomi : fiche d'identification

Aphis pomi © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: green, antennae dark, cornicles straight, dark and reaching beyond abdomen, cauda black and digitate
Frons flat or slightly sinuate
Antennae equal to half length of body (1)
Abdomen with circular marginal and post-cornicular sclerites (2), presence of three pigmented stripes between cornicles (3)
Cornicles black and straight
Cauda black and digitate

Species file

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 01 June 2015 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet