For further information

For further information

Additional references and websites for aphid enthusiasts:

Additional bibliography :

Blackman R.L., Eastop, V.F., 1994. Aphids on the World’s Trees, an Identification and Information Guide, CAB international, Ed, Wallingford, 987 pp + 16 planches

Blackman R.L., Eastop, V.F., 2000. Aphids on the World’s Crops, an Identification and Information Guide, 2nd Edition, Wiley & sons, Ed, Chichester, 466 pp

Blackman R.L., Eastop, V.F., 2006. Aphids on the World’s Herbaceous Plants and Shrubs, Volume 1 : Hosts lists and Keys, Wiley & sons, Ed, Chichester, p 1 - 1024
Blackman R.L., Eastop, V.F., 2006. Aphids on the World’s Herbaceous Plants and Shrubs, Volume 2 : The Aphids, Wiley & sons, Ed, Chichester, p 1025-1439
Dixon A.F.G., 1998. Aphid Ecology: An Optimization Approach, 2nd Edition, Chapman and Hall, New York

Heie O.E., 1980. The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. I. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavia, 9, 236 pp
Hullé M., Turpeau E., Lechant F., Rahn M.J., 1998. Les pucerons des arbres fruitiers. Cycles biologiques et activités de vol. ACTA – INRA Ed, 80 pp
Hullé M., Turpeau-Ait Ighil E., Robert Y., Monnet Y., 1999. Les pucerons des plantes maraîchères. Cycles biologiques et activités de vol. ACTA – INRA Ed, 136 pp
Leclant F., 1999. Les pucerons des plantes cultivées. Clefs d’indentification. I – Grandes cultures. ACTA – INRA Ed, 64 pp
Leclant F., 1999. Les pucerons des plantes cultivées. Clefs d’indentification. II –Cultures maraîchères. ACTA – INRA Ed, 98 pp
Leclant F., 2000. Les pucerons des plantes cultivées. Clefs d’indentification. III – Cultures fruitières. ACTA – INRA Ed, 128 pp
Minks A. K, Harrewijn P., 1987. Aphids their biology, Natural enemies and control, Vol A. Elsevier Ed, Amsterdam, 450 pp
Nieto Nafria J.M., Mier Durante M. P., 1998. Fauna Iberica, Vol 11, Hemiptera, Aphididae I, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Ed, Madrid, 424 pp
Remaudière G., Seco Fernandez M.V., 1990. Claves de pulgones alados de la región mediterránea, 1Introduccción y claves. 2 Illustraciones y lista alphabética de los taxones. Universitad de León, 1: 1-110 pp, 2: 117-205pp
Remaudière G., 1997. Catalogue des Aphididae du monde, Homoptera, Aphidoidea. INRA Ed, Paris, 473 pp 

Turpeau-Ait Ighil E., Dedryver C.A., Chaubet B., Hullé M., 2011. Les pucerons des grandes cultures. Cycles biologiques et activités de vol. ACTA – QUAE Ed, 135 pp

van Emden, H. F. and Harrington, R. (eds), 2007.  Aphids as Crop Pests. CAB, International, 717 pp.


and additional websites :
The 3 identification and information guides on trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants by R. L. Blackman and V.F. Eastop: the bibliographic REFERENCE of all aphidologists online!
A catalogue illustrated by numerous "in vivo" photos to consult by genus of aphid or host plant by B. Dransfield and B. Brightwell.
A general site on Hemiptera in Quebec by C. Pilon, K.G.A. Hamilton and E. Maw including a chapter on aphids, illustrated with many photos.
AphiD by C. Favret and G. L. Miller is an identification guide of about 70 species of cosmopolitan and polyphagous aphids with an identification key and especially very beautiful photos of microscopic montages.

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 26 October 2011 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet