Development of a micro-press for the extraction of Brassicaceae oil (microPRESSE)

SPS’innov project selected in 2013

Coordination: Martine Miquel

Technological development project

The aim of the microPress project is to develop the pressing of small quantities of oil seeds (rapeseed, camelina) thanks to an original press concept based on the extraction of oil by centrifugation. This technology will overcome the shortcomings of current systems and eventually have sufficient flow to simultaneously analyze a large number of seed lines and / or batches. This tool, which has already been validated by a feasibility study, will be operationally implemented and a market study will be carried out among stakeholders in the oil and protein crops sector with the aim of monitoring and evaluating the quality / quantity of oil from lots of seeds, plants.

Modification date : 05 December 2023 | Publication date : 21 July 2017 | Redactor : MJS