SPS Seminar : John Mundy

SPS Seminar : John Mundy

01 September 2016

Amphitheatre Rebischung - INRA Center of Versailles-Grignon

Plant immunity & cell death signaling

Séminaires combinés:

10 AM:
Rethinking the architecture of growing cell walls and the mechanisms of cell wall loosening
Daniel Cosgrove (Department of Biology, Penn State University, USA) - Invited by l'IJPB
Information: herman.hofte@versailles.inra.fr

11 AM:
Plant immunity & cell death signaling
John Mundy (Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Information: kian.hematy@versailles.inra.fr

Amphitheatre Rebischung - INRA Center of Versailles-Grignon
RD 10 - Route de Saint-Cyr - Versailles

Registration before August 31st is mandatory:

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Publication date : 28 November 2023