Lorenzo Concia

Lorenzo Concia

What is the relationship between cell fate and epigenetics?

Main research interests

Plant epigenetics, replication timing program, chromosome conformation capture

Selection of 3 major recent publications

Concia, L., Brooks A.M., Wheeler E., Zynda G., Wear E.E., LeBlanc C., Song J., Lee T.J., Pascuzzi P.E., Martienssen R., Vaughn M.W., Thompson W., Hanley-Bowdoin L. (2018). Genome-Wide Analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana Replication Timing Program. Plant Physiol. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1104/pp.17.01537

Wear E.E., Song J., Zynda G.J., LeBlanc C., Lee T.J., Mickelson-Young L., Concia L., Mulvaney P., Szymanski E.S., Allen G.C., Martienssen R.A., Vaughn M.W., Hanley-Bowdoin L., Thompson W.F. (2017) Genomic Analysis of the DNA Replication Timing Program during Mitotic S Phase in Maize (Zea mays) Root Tips. Plant Cell 29: 2126–2149

Zynda G.J., Song J., Concia, L.,  Wear E.E., Hanley-Bowdoin L., Thompson W.F., Vaughn M.W., (2017) Repliscan: a tool for classifying replication timing regions. BMC Bioinformatics 18: 362 

Contact info

Building 630, Plateau du Moulon
rue de Noetzlin, CS80004
91192 - Gif-sur-Yvette cedex

Tel : +33 1 69 15 34 05




Modification date : 11 February 2020 | Publication date : 08 March 2018 | Redactor : LC